Improving Digital Inclusion in Disaster-Prone Communities - October 2021 Meet Up

On Tuesday, 5 October 2021, the ADIA held an event with Connected Future – a shared value partnership between Great Southern Bank, Australian Red Cross and Infoxchange – launching a report that looks at how to improve digital inclusion in disaster-prone communities.

Motivated by the bushfires that ravaged much of Australia in 2019/20, the partnership recognised people with low levels of digital inclusion are often worse-off in disasters, and set about understanding how to better support people living in disaster-prone areas to improve their digital confidence and capability. A design-led approach was used to explore a solution. Throughout the process, it was realised that to see the best results it was necessary to focus on people’s genuine needs, interests and aspirations, as well as their desire to connect with others. By focusing on what was important to the participants, conversations around disaster preparedness and technology happened organically and led to the participants being motivated to learn.

The panel was moderated by Convenor of the ADIA, Ishtar Vij, and included:

  • Katharine Hopper – Manager – Community, Great Southern Bank
  • Anna Morgan – Social Innovation Lead, Infoxchange
  • Carolyn Ratnik – Community Action Coordinator, Australian Red Cross
  • Karina Smith – Principal, Meld Studios

Click Here to Read the Report

Watch the Meet Up: